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caixa postal 50060
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil


FOTOThe most complete compilation of Stefan Zweig's work was achieved by Dr. Randolph J. Klawiter, from the Department of German and Russian
University of Notre Dame. Stefan Zweig, an international bibliography is a bible for every Zweig researcher.

The Zweiguiana in Portuguese language is not up to Zweig's standards. One of the major editorial successes of Brazil in the 20th century, it has a precarious bibliography.

There is a lack of literary organization in the two firms which published Zweig's works (the Guanabara and Pongetti Brothers publishing companies, both in Rio de Janeiro) and in public institutions responsible for the indexation resulting in few catalogues of Zweig in the publishing industry. Not to speak of the absence of indications of the original title, date of publication, the number of edition or re-edition, omissions which have resulted in great losses.

If it had not been for the insistence of Randolph Klawiter beginning in 1982 to obtain Brazilian data for his monumental international bibliography, the present report would be even scantier. With the base only of what was found in bookshops and private collections, the information which follows can be considered, at the maximum, as a contribution to a Zweiguiana in the Portuguese language.

Works published in Brazil