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In memoriam Izabela Kestler

The German tour of Stefan Zweig in the Land of the Future

Stefan Zweig State School

15 Decisive Months


Review: Serpa Pinto, the Ship of Destiny

Zweig-Segall Correspondence

A vast oeuvre, a dog called Kaspar and suicide at the age of 60

Stefan Zweig, bridge for a life

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caixa postal 50060
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil



In memoriam Izabela Kestler

Patrik von zur Mühlen
Newsletter /Society for Exile Research

Nr. 33 ISSN 0946-1957 June 2009

At first, the news seemed unreal, but soon turned into tragic certainty: Izabela Maria Furtado Kestler was one of the 228 victims of the Air France plane which crashed into the ocean on 1st June 2009. She was traveling to Germany via Paris to take part in the symposium of the Goethe Society in the town of Weimar. She never reached her destination.
Izabela Maria Furtado was born in 1959 in Rio de Janeiro. She studied Broadcasting in her hometown and moved to Freiburg in 1982 to begin studying German Studies, Political Science and Philosophy. With her doctor’s thesis about the German language writers and editors exiled in Brazil, completed in 1991, she came to the Society for Exile Research (Gesellschaft für Exilforschung), and took an active part. After marrying a German lawyer, she moved to Stuttgart in 1989, and from there to Bonn. Following her divorce, she returned to Brazil in 1993 and becan lecturing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In Brazil, she maintained her ties to research work about exile, taking an active part in our society, with occasional reviews and collaborations. She wrote the entry about Brazil in Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration 1933-1945 (Handbook of German Language Emigration 1933-1945). She was the foremost specialist in this area, and assisted numerous researchers with a focus on projects dealing with Brazil. She often took the opportunity of trips to Europe to take part in our meetings, to which she invariably contributed with great enthusiasm. Izabela Kestler died shortly before turning 50. For us, she will remain unforgettable.